Welcome to the AAUW of Vermont Website!
This site contains information about the 3 Branches in Vermont: Bennington, Brattleboro and Middlebury. It also houses articles about some of the important historical activities at the State and the branch levels.
One example of the involvement of AAUW in Vermont policy-making is the passage of the Vermont Pay Equity Law in 2018:
During the hearings that preceded the passage of the final bill, Julie Mackaman, Secretary of AAUW of Vermont, testified in support of equal pay bills H.294 and S.275. Both bills prohibit an employer from requesting an applicant’s salary history prior to a job offer. Julie testified by phone to the House General, Housing, and Military Affairs Committee. Julie’s testimony is here: Testimony
The Middlebury Branch wrote a letter of support to committee chairs and lead sponsors of both bills.
H.294 was passed in both houses of the Vermont Legislature and was signed by Governor Scott on May 11, 2018. It is now titled Act 126 .
Read the final text of the act here: Act_126